Each year the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook conference attracts significant media representation with journalists from the AFR, Australian, ABC, as well as state based broadsheets, radio, TV and major industry publications in attendance
Our keynote speakers are regularly featured in major publication, across the country as a result of their involvement in the event.
"It's not going to be cheap gas ... but it will be affordable gas and most significantly it will be available in large volume with long-term security of supply," Mr Barnett told the [Australian Domestic Gas Outlook] conference in Sydney, calling for "a bit of pioneer vision and spirit to make it happen".
"We want to be a new entrant," Mr Baulderstone said after a presentation to the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook conference in Sydney.
"There's no point in my mind in having more gas going to the same people who control the market now," he said when asked if the joint venture was in talks with AGL.
"Can WA piped gas save east coast industry?"
The more important question for WA is what our gas heading east will do to our gas-hungry industry and power sectors.
Department of Industry economic adviser Tim Bradley said at the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference in Sydney last week that with LNG now exported from Queensland, the east coast gas market was linked to the ebbs and flows of international supply and demand.
"EnergyAustralia has declared Australia's "golden age of gas is over".
EnergyAustralia energy executive Mark Collette broke the news at the Australian Domestic Gas Outlook Conference in Sydney.
Speaking at [The Australian Domestic Gas Outlook] conference in Sydney yesterday, chief executive Warwick King said the company needed to focus on improving its social licence in major cities, or risk losing "favourable policies" for its gas business.
For speaking opportunities at Australian Domestic Gas Outlook 2019, please contact Boris Petrovic:
P: +61 (0)2 8188 7535
E: borisp@questevents.com.au