Day One: Tuesday, 1 April

Registration and coffee
Opening remarks from the chair

Andrew Garnett
Australian Gas Industry Trust

Where are we now and what needs to change?
Ensuring Australia has reliable and affordable gas today and for the future
  • Creating a policy and regulatory environment that encourages investment in new gas supply and enables project delivery
  • Streamlining consultation requirements for projects while maintaining the highest environmental and community engagement standards
  • Focusing on the lowest cost, most reliable pathways to meet Australia’s emissions reduction targets
  • Providing energy security and supporting a balanced transition for Australia and the region

Cecile Wake
Country Chair & SVP Integrated Gas Australia

FIRESIDE CHAT: The state of the domestic gas sector and the need for further investment

Mark Hatfield
Managing Director, Australia
Chevron Australia

Saul Kavonic
Head of Energy Research
MST Financial

Assessing supply and developments in the domestic gas market
Ensuring natural gas supply to the domestic market, what has worked and what will work
  • Assessing timelines for Longford as gas production and reserves in Bass Strait declines
  • Expanding gas development in the Gippsland Basin off Victoria's coast
  • Examining predicted shortfalls and solutions

David Berman
Commercial Director
ExxonMobil Australia

Morning Tea
Implementing the Future Gas Strategy to turn sentiment into meaningful action
  • Streamlining the approvals process
  • Actioning all aspects of AEMO’s Integrated System Plan
  • What are the levers for the access and growth of Australia’s significant undeveloped gas resources?
  • Assessing the need for a gas capacity mechanism given the ISP forecast for gas-powered-generation

Jane Norman
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Amplitude Energy

Bringing more gas online before the real crisis hits the east coast
  • What new supplies can be brought online in time for the forecast east coast shortfall?
  • What investments in new infrastructure and pipelines are required?
  • Will anyone be willing to underwrite the proposed LNG import terminals?
  • Delivering new gas supply to a mix of manufacturing and energy retail customers through long term gas sales

Stuart Davis
Executive General Manager

Responding to the opportunities of the transition
  • Reducing capital expenditures to strengthen financial stability for growth as the east coast struggles with supply
  • Expanding gas storage capabilities to ensure reliability
  • Addressing forecast shortages in electricity by diversifying into gas power generation to support renewable energy

Brett Woods
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Beach Energy

PANEL DISCUSSION: Complacency or catastrophe? Has the ongoing gas crisis blinded us to how close we are to disaster?
  • Has the routine forecast of shortages lulled Australia into a false sense that the shortfall will always somehow be met?
  • Price signals are strong for producers, so what is limiting investment in projects or infrastructure?
  • Why hasn’t an import terminal materialised yet?
  • Are we seeing a ‘shift in temperature’ from major gas producers as they grow more assertive towards the green lobby?


Patrick Gibbons


Innes Willox
Chief Executive
Ai Group

Pat Beashel
General Manager of Gas Supply and Trading
Chevron Australia

Mark Wiseman
Co-Head of Asia Pacific Energy Research
Macquarie Group

Sean Fleming
General Manager, Energy Solutions
APA Group

Nerise Cook
General Manager Pipelines

Networking Lunch
Investigating pricing issues for the domestic market
Working with customers to deliver the infrastructure to ensure domestic gas can continue to meet industry and consumer energy needs
  • Adding capacity to east coast infrastructure to move more gas north to south in the short-term
  • Unlocking new supply basins through new infrastructure to meet long term domestic energy needs
  • Why domestic gas must be prioritised to lower energy costs and emissions
  • Exploring the role of regulation and government in supporting the required investments
  • Taking a longer-term approach to domestic gas procurement to support investment in gas supply and transport infrastructure

Adam Watson
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director
APA Group

GAS USERS PANEL: How are large gas users responding to the pressures of increased price and reduced supply?
  • What are the warning signs that indicate major price shifts (especially for buyers exposed to the spot market)?
  • How can major energy users prepare for winters punctuated with periods of unmet electricity and gas demand?
  • What report card does industry give the ACCC’s for its role in gas markets (particularly the price cap) - and how likely is substantial change at the 2-year review?
  • What can users be doing to advocate for the importance of developing domestic gas supply?


Perry Wilson
Head of Advisory – ANZ
Rystad Energy


Matt McKenzie
Head of Energy & Carbon

Royce De Sousa
Eastern Energy Buyers

Jai Coppen
Senior Energy Sourcing Manager
Yara International

Phaedra Deckart
Chief Executive Officer
Solstice Energy

Andrew Richards
Chief Executive Officer
Energy Users Association of Australia (EUAA)

Examining the strategies and developments that will bring more supply into the market
Investing in the domestic market to unlock more gas supply to support a real future made in Australia
  • Moving ahead with a A$1 billion+ expansion of Atlas and Roma North in Queensland’s Surat Basin
  • Securing regulatory approvals to facilitate timely delivery of critical gas supply
  • Reviewing the adequacy of current infrastructure for getting gas to users

Darren Stevenson
Chief Executive Officer
Senex Energy

Afternoon tea
Unlocking new domestic gas supply in the Denison Trough

Benson Wong
Co-Founder and Executive Director
Denison Gas

The Beetaloo Basin – Australia’s best answer to secure and affordable energy
  • Bringing advanced drilling technologies in the Beetaloo Basin to drive best practice and efficiency
  • Significant progress on project timelines to meet rising energy demands and improve energy security in Australia
  • Leveraging operational milestones to attract further investment and drive regional economic growth

Joel Riddle
Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer
Tamboran Resources

A sleeping giant awakes: Omega Oil & Gas and the Taroom Trough

Trevor Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Omega Oil and Gas

PANEL DISCUSSION: Politics, policy, and practicality: when being right isn't enough
  • How can the gas industry and new developments regain their social license in the face of growing opposition?
  • What tactics can be used to persuade policy-makers to maintain gas as a key player in the energy landscape?
  • How can the industry reshape its public image to emphasise gas's importance in energy security and the survival of onshore manufacturing?
  • What strategies can be used to effectively argue that gas is a critical part of the energy transition?


Saul Kavonic
Head of Energy Research
MST Financial


Hon Joel Fitzgibbon
former Australian Labor Party Minister; Special Counsel
CMAX Advisory

Hon Bill Johnston
Former WA Minister for Energy

Ying Luo
Chief Adviser and General Manager of Strategy
Amplitude Energy

Nicole Manison
former Deputy Chief Minister of the Northern Territory; Vice President Government Relations and External Affairs

Closing remarks from chair
Networking Drinks
ADGO Dinner

The official ADGO dinner is the perfect opportunity to network, unwind and socialise with industry peers during your time in Sydney. Tickets are $220. Includes drinks and dinner.